Technical Product Designer (m/f/x)

  • Traineeship starts: September
  • Duration: 3 ½ years

We currently do not offer any apprenticeships for this profession

Career profile

As a Technical Product Designer, you are responsible for designing and developing technical products. This career requires a high level of creativity combined with technical understanding. During your training, you will learn how to use a variety of computer programs and CAD software to design products. You will learn to turn creative ideas into feasible technical design concepts, taking factors such as cost, functionality and aesthetics into consideration. If you are interested in physical and technical relationships and enjoy creative work, an traineeship as a Technical Product Designer could be the perfect choice for you.


  • Good secondary school leaving results (Realschule or higher)
  • Good grades in math, physics and engineering
  • Flair for design and clearly structured way of working
  • Team spirit, commitment and reliability


  • Traineeship starts: September
  • Duration: 3 ½ years
  • Theory: twice weekly at Carl-Benz-Berufsschule vocational college in Karlsruhe
  • Practice: in our Development & Design department, and experience in production and order processing
  • In-depth support from our experienced and motivated training officers


Flexitime account

Our flexitime system offers flexible working hours and time off in lieu for a healthy work/life balance.

30 days’ vacation

Plenty of time for rest and relaxation with 30 days’ guaranteed vacation and special vacation days.

Vacation and Christmas pay

You receive vacation pay and a Christmas bonus as additional recognition of the work you do.

Company pension contribution

We pay contributions towards your retirement plan and your financial security after retirement.

Travel allowance

Our travel allowance supports you on your daily travel to work.


Our cafeteria provides an extensive hot lunch menu and free water and fruit.

Bike leasing

Travel to work the sustainable way and benefit from the financial advantages of bike leasing.


We have free parking for employees for an easy, convenient and stress-free journey to work.

Do you have any further questions or
would you like to get in touch?

Contact form

Give us a call: +49 7255 71200