
Terms of delivery

Important supplier information


Order confirmations:

We expect your order confirmation for each order. Please send your order confirmation exclusively by e-mail to within 1 to 2 days after the receipt of the order.
Please always state the following details in both the e-mail subject line and the file name:
H&K order number_your order confirmation number Example: 53120_123456789



  • Always in 1 copy
  • Please, state the precise country of origin and the statistical goods number for each item.

If a respective agreement has been made with Hartmann & König, the invoices can be submitted by e-mail to the following address:
Please always state the following details in both the e-mail subject line and the file name:
H&K order number_your invoice number Example: 53120_123456789


Goods receipt department - opening hours:

Mon to Thu 8.00 to 11.45 a.m. and 12.30 to 3.30 p.m.
Friday 8.00 to 11.45 a.m. and 12.30 to 2.00 p.m.


Factory closed on (no goods receipt available):

Friday, 22/05/2020

Friday, 12/06/2020


Last day of goods receipt in 2020: 18/12/2020


Delivery dates:

The delivery date that is specified on our order is the binding delivery date in our factory or at the shipment address.

If your delivery is made before the binding delivery date, we reserve the right to only advise your invoice for payment from the delivery date and subject to the payment terms which we have agreed with you. This means that payment discount requests in retrospective cannot be accepted.

If your delivery is made after the binding delivery date, we reserve the right to claim all our rights according to German Civil Code (BGB) and Commercial Code (HGB).


Supplier declaration:

For the goods which we purchase from you, we require a long-term supplier declaration for goods with preferential origin status in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation 2015/2447.

If specific items are not preferential items, these must be specifically mentioned. If you are unable to issue a long-term supplier‘s declaration for your goods, please state this accordingly (e.g. individual supplier‘s declaration, supplier‘s declaration on your invoice, etc.).

Irrespective of whether the goods qualify for preference or are goods with a non-preferential origin, IN ANY CASE, YOU MUST STATE THE ACTUAL COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF YOUR DELIVERED GOODS AS WELL AS THE STATISTICAL GOODS NUMBER.

Conditions of purchase

Do you have any further questions or
would you like to get in touch?

Contact form

Give us a call: +49 7255 71200